Biotin, otherwise known as B7 or Vitamin H :
- supports a healthy nervous system
- improves the basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails
- supports the breakdown of fats, protein and carbohydrates into energy
It occurs naturally in a variety of foods such as egg yolks, milk, legumes, nuts, avocado’s, bananas and organ meats. As its water soluble, its not easily stored by the body so regular uptake is needed.
Intra Muscular Biotin injections have been more effective in increasing Biotin levels in many patients compared to oral supplements which are not always effectively absorbed by the body.
Benefits of Biotin
- Strengthens hair
- Promotes hair growth
- Restores hair elasticity
- Aids in preventing hair loss
- Promotes healthy glowing skin- with anti aging benefits
- Improves acne, eczema and skin conditions
- Promotes nail growth and strengthens dry, brittle nails
- Increases Metabolism and can speed up weight loss, converting food to fuel
- Promotes cell strength, which supports rejuvenation
- Improves blood glucose