I’m Kat, a former nurse and later an Ergonomist working to help companies manage employees health relating to musculo-skeletal conditions and stress. This combination of a solution driven investigative mind from Ergonomics combined with knowedge of the health care system to wanting to get answers relating to health and wellbeing more widely after a health diagnosis in 2005.
This lead to a search for how to manage my condition, a search that got no answers within the health care system. To be honest if someone said ‘try this’, I did, because I was scared.
So I abandoned disbelief and tried everything. I then trained as a reflexologist and later after exploring the mind and body connection, as a hypnotherapist and mind coach.
I feel that health care for women in particular is narrow minded, fails to consider the body as a whole rather than separate parts, especially when it comes to matters relating to fertility, the menstrual cycle and menopause. This lead me to specialise in women’s health.
I work 1:1 from my treatment room near Bingham, Nottingham, but also as a result of the Covid Lockdown manged to still serve even more online