Chemical Free Cleaning for Hormone support is important everyone. But let’s look at why?
I posted on Fertility Rewire about how Chemicals in beauty products and household cleaning agents hugely disrupt reproductive hormones.
I spoke about how it can affect Fertility, but it can affect anybody male and female at any age. In utero and even at preconception! This is something I share will all my clients and it’s something relevant to me at the moment as I approach 50. Why? because it can have a huge effect on Hormones in the peri menopause and menopause.
Some studies have suggested that exposure to the big hormone disrupters Parabens and Phthalates can cause an early menopause. But whenever you start to experience symptoms, reducing your use can have a huge improvement to your your overall.
I started to experience some peri menopausal symptoms a few years ago, irregular cycles, heavy periods, very swollen and tender breasts, anxiety, low mood, to be honest down right rubbish!
Through the changes I have made to diet, exposure to oestrogenic chemicals, use of oils and supplements, I have had an amazing change to my symptoms. My menstrual cycle has returned to 28 days, periods no longer heavy or clots, and my anxiety very much reduced
Chemical Free Cleaning for Hormone Support
I started to try to buy Paraben and Phthalate free cleaning agents, but actually when you really start to look into it, even the ones you expect to be free or sound as thought they are, actually aren’t free of these hormone disrupting chemicals. It was so confusing.
I had started to use essential oils as many of you know, but as well as those for the physical and emotional effects, I then started to use then in my DIY household cleaners and beauty products.
One of the most important things I had to consider was the purity of the oils themselves. Did you know that there is no regulatory body for essential oils?
That anyone can say that the oil is pure, organic or therapeutic grade. So using such oils as a ‘natural’ alternative, I could still be using synthetics?
I looked into this and that when I came across doTERRA. The Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Testing assured me of not only the being free from contaminants, the therapeutic active compound within the oils was at a high percentage.
If you had told me I would be making my own cleaning products a few years ago, I would have laughed loudly and declared that you would want me to dress in hemp and walk barefoot. Actually I often do walk barefoot, but that’s another story.
Packaging is another consideration, I use glass containers, so no risk of plastic chemical contamination and all completely natural and as they look so good, I store them on s shelf, not hidden in a cupboard!
Let me share with you some of my recipes
2 cups hot water
1 cup bicarb of soda
1/3 cup Salt
1 cup Castile Soap
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil
You do need to shake well before use, due the ingredients separating. This is because there are no chemicals or bonding agents.
I use approx 1/4 cup or less with each wash.
500mls white vinegar
6 drops lemongrass essential oil
I use a glass pop top bottle for this, and it sounds so unlike the highly fragranced manufactured conditioners. But it works really well.
For more information on how you an get hold of these incredible oils wholesale, see here