I used to hate Christmas, it represented what I didn’t have, and what EVERYBODY ELSE had. Looking back, everybody else didn’t have it at all. Because I had experienced loss at a young age, a fairy tale image of how Christmas would be developed year on year. It was akin to the Partridge family (if you’re too young, google it!).
The energy I put into avoiding my feeling must have been exhausting!
I love Christmas now, I truly do, but sometimes in the past the day itself could cause my stress levels to rise and my patience to wain.
There are lots of reasons why people dread christmas and none are more significant than anybody else’s, because it is what is happening to YOU that is key, or should I say how you are experiencing what you perceive is happening to you. Deep eh?
If you are experiencing fertility issues or experienced miscarriage or loss it can be a time of sadness for the lack of the christmas you had hoped for; one without the baby or child you had yearned for.
If you are experiencing health challenges, such as Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue or other debilitating inflammatory disease, you may think of a time when things were not so hard, a time where energy was just there.
Some of you may know that there will be emotional challenges, this may be due to loss, fertility, illness, depression, stress and anxiety.
It doesn’t have to be “big” (this is when we compare our situation to others who have it worse, or who we believe have it worse). Its as big as it is to you and its important to acknowledge how you are feeling. It may be that you are spending time with family and expectations and personalities may affect your mood and coping strategies.
Christmas is a time of Peace, Joy and Love is it not? Do you know who needs these more and will be last on the list? Of course, its you..
I will often say to clients, what would you say to a friend who just said that to you? Now try to say that to yourself, with feeling and compassion, as though you are that friend.
I think a lot of us are very hard on ourselves. One of the things we learn in Mindfulness is that thoughts are not facts. Getting to a point where you can recognise thoughts is fantastic, being able to see that a thought is not a fact is a powerful place to be, but not always easy. Thoughts such as I’m not good enough, I always do it wrong, I’m “insert your own feeling”
What we can learn in mindfulness, “here is the thought that…:
I’m not good enough”
I always do it wrong”
insert your own thought…
One of the things I encourage myself, family and clients to do is replace the word “should” with “could”. This reframe can have powerful effects, and can free us from guilt and shame.
“I should get up now” becomes “I could get up now”
“I should clean the house” becomes ” I could clean the house”
so, you
could have a good time
could enjoy this
could stop thinking about x.
Allowing yourself this ‘choice’ rather than an order is a powerful tool and its a great one to try.
Relaxation techniques
An often used self hypnosis/relaxation technique is to imagine yourself in a special place, where no one needs anything from you, no one wants anything fromyou and there are no expectations. If you would be interested to hear more about this, get in touch
I like science, I like facts, Chemistry and research. This allows me to be an essential oil junkie, there is no other description really. I have never felt better or more in control of my own health as I do now. I use doTERRA essential oils, due to the certified pure therapeutic grade.
My top christmas oils are:
Promotes a whole-body sense of relaxation
May help ease anxious feelings
Evokes feelings of tranquility and balance
Begin your day by putting Balance on the bottom of your feet to promote feelings of calmness and tranquility throughout the day.
Balance is a great oil blend to use during an AromaTouch® Hand Massage.
Apply to your wrists or neck to help ease anxious feelings.
Diffuse in your car during road trips to create a calming, soothing environment.
a powerful cleanser and purifying agent
Uplifting to the mind and body
Use in an all-purpose spray to cleanse and purify surfaces.
Diffuse to uplift mood and energy levels and to freshen the air.
For an energising boost, dispense one to two drops in the palm of your hand along with equal parts Peppermint and Frankincense. Rub palms together and inhale deeply from palms, then rub on the back of neck
Soothes occasional skin irritations
May help reduces anxious feelings and promotes peaceful sleep
May help ease feelings of tension.
Add a few drops of Lavender to pillows, bedding, or bottoms of feet at bedtime.
Keep a bottle of Lavender on hand to soothe occasional skin irritations.
Freshen your linen closet, mattress, car, or the air by combining Lavender with water in a spray bottle
Use in cooking to soften citrus flavours and add a flavourful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts.
Supports healthy cellular function
Aroma promotes feelings of relaxation
Helps reduce the appearance of skin imperfections when applied topically
Supports healthy immune, nervous, and digestive function
Apply topically to help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections.
Can be applied to the bottoms of feet to promote feelings of relaxation and to balance mood.
Take one to two drops in a veggie capsule to support healthy cellular function. (applies to doTERRA oils due to purity)
Calms and soothes mood
Cleanses and freshens the air
Adds a peaceful holiday aroma to any room or environment
Diffuse to uplift mood and create a serene atmosphere during the busy holiday season
Apply one to two drops to a dolomite or clay ornament to add a touch of festive spirit to the home
Create a spritzer with a few drops of Holiday Peace and mist your holiday décor for a grounding, woodsy scent
Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more….
Relax, be in the moment and Breathe….
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